As the old man approached my friends and me were playing tag. When the man finally reach us, we all froze. But when we ask him who he was all he said was a bunch of gibberish that we didn't understand. So we decided maybe he can read so we wrote it on the sidewalk. And could read and he read it and then wrote back mike lopez.
We realize who that was we were terrified for our lives. And the reason why we were so scared was because he was wanted for murderer on the news the night before. We weren't sure what to do so we got on our bicycles and took off. But that wasn't going to do it because he started chasing us. On top of all this it was getting dark so we pulled out our flashlights and head in to the alley. Then he fell and got his feet stuck in a hole so he was force to go barefoot.
I'm guess he got his feet cut up to bad to continue chasing us. So after about two block with out have shoes he gave up. We finally got a way and made our way back home. And we never saw the murder again.
Lesson Learned
15 years ago
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